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Instructions of posting the images in certificates Every pet is allowed to have three images in their certificates. We require front, side and any cute pictue of the pet. Background shouldn't be overwhelming. If it's too busy please, remove it or retake the ptoto. You can try white or light off white backdrop when taking the images of your pet. Pictures must be clear image of the pet. If pet is lighter color use one solid background. Pet should be depicted on the image with full body, alone, no other animals or humans should be shown in the front and side view. For the image of your choice you can use pretty much any image without any other pets or anumals depicted in it. If you need the background removal we can help you with that. Contact us at at registermypet at We intentionally replaced @ with “at”, otherwise emails is correct-no spaces used



Any cute image of your pet of your choice

Examples of not acceptable images All the images below are the ones that are not acceptable.
We can't have human in the image. We can't have two pets in the image. Image should only have ONE pet.
In these images background is too crowded. We need solid background that is not compiting with the main subject.
Although the pose for the dogie on the left is perfect for the front side image, it has litte red ball next to it and as we already mentioned if you can remove the background and the red ball it can be acceptable. Parrot has the perfect side pose. If you can get rid of the background it will be the perfect example of the ide pose. This picture would be ok for the cute picture of your pet which is third choice but would not be accepted as front picture of the pet.
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